Technologies That Will Shape The Future Of The Metaverse

4 min readApr 18, 2022


Technology is evolving at a faster rate than we could even imagine at present. We were getting normal with the heights and endless possibilities of the existing technologies. And all of sudden the metaverse has become the next big thing. The metaverse is still so complicated for people to understand, moreover because it doesn’t exist completely yet.

What Is The Metaverse, And Why Is It Important?

Let us first understand what exactly is the Metaverse. Imagine a virtual world where you could do your work, study, meetings, and a lot more while just sitting on your couch. In the metaverse, your customized avatars will communicate, attend meetings and concerts, and build a community. As we add skins, and weapons to our avatars in games, we would be in the virtual world doing the same but with digital currency.

People have already started to add land and liabilities to their virtual world. Some are also saying investing in virtual real estate is a waste of money but it isn’t! This property has a ton of benefits, it can be owned, sold in the future, and can also be rented out for venues for events. All this will take place in the virtual world of metaverse!

We at WoWExp are always focusing on how metaverse can be used most efficiently in all sectors to bring out the maximum potential. Education or entertainment, we have covered it all. For making this possible, WoWExp understood the three technologies that will shape the future of metaverse and kept forward the idea of merging these with different sectors. So, let’s open these factors one-by-one…

Augmented reality

Augmented Reality or AR is a combination of digital and our real world, where we in our world can generate digital visuals and information to enhance the quality of work and activity. Through the cameras of phones/ tablets or smart glasses, AR can put an overlay of the digital content into our actual environment.

This technology doesn’t account for users’ surroundings or requires interaction with users’ space, it rests on top of any surface, with our physical world acting as a static background for it. It normally can be seen in the form of a floating advertisement on our mobile screens.

Applications like Snapchat and Instagram, follow a basic approach of imposing AR-based filters on the user’s face. Firstly, with the help of artificial intelligence, the face is detected. Then, these filters are digitally placed on the user’s face. This placement of the filters looks extremely realistic with the help of augmented reality and artificial intelligence.

Virtual reality

Virtual Reality (VR) is the best technology innovated till now, that creates a simulated environment around us completely different from the real existing world that can be explored in 360 degrees. Recently the growing craze of VR headsets can be seen all over the globe and viral videos showing how stepping into an alternate world has a thrilling effect on people around the world.

There are numerous use-cases of virtual reality being used by companies worldwide. Some of the exciting services offered by this technology include tourism, retail, virtual try-on, and so on. Event organizers and customers can also get a realistic idea of how their event could look with a VR-powered headset. Users can see 360-degree, 3D viewing of custom-designed room settings, making event planning easier than ever.

Ever heard about VR Training? Well, we at WoWExp have experts in that area who deliver lifelike features and experiences in VR. WoWExp’s subsidiary company, builds custom virtual training platforms for businesses, startups & institutions to continuously upgrade and upskill the workforce -anytime and anywhere.

Mixed Reality

Mixed reality (MR) is sometimes referred to as hybrid reality, it is the integration of real and virtual worlds to produce a new environment in which the interaction between virtual and physical objects is enhanced in real-time. Unlike VR, which immerses users in a virtual environment, or AR, which simply augments digital content over a physical environment, instead, MR devices constantly collect new information happening in the surroundings. Such information is very helpful in placing digital content in the physical environment, and users can interact with it. MR combines both the physical and virtual worlds together where they both are intertwined.

The Future Of Metaverse

Surely 2 years back we were talking about AR, VR, and MR getting adapted by the world for their work, now a combination of these can bring us a whole new virtual space, called metaverse. And its possibility can be assured as some of the biggest companies are stepping into it. Microsoft, Snapchat, Facebook (Meta), Nvidia, Roblox, and many more such tech ruling companies have made their foot into the metaverse.

There are many different ways in which metaverse can be developed, all depending on the creative process of research, invention, investment, and policy. If the metaverse materializes, it is likely to expand into experiences that we cannot surely predict, we can just wait until this fantasy world develops.

Metaverse is the next big game in the future of technology, it somehow beholds a new future for the new generation. And WoWExp being one of the first metaverse companies is looking forward to creating a better and more advanced platform for this nation.




Written by Wowexp

WoWExp India’s 1st Metaverse Company to Provide AR & VR Services to Businesses

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